Thrash-veteraani Exhorder julkaisee ensimmäisen levynsä 27 vuoteen

Kuva: Dante Tontieri

New Orleansin thrash metal -veteraani Exhorder on saanut kauan odotetun kolmannen studiolevynsä valmiiksi ja julkaisu tapahtuu myöhemmin tänä vuonna. Albumi seuraa vuoden 1992 klassikkoa “The Law”. Yhtye suuntaa Amerikan kiertueelle Kataklysmin kanssa tulevana syksynä ja nähdään Bang Your Head! festareilla Saksassa heinäkuussa.

Kitaristi Vinnie La Bella kommentoi:

27 years? Man, that’s a big number! A lot has transpired over the course of such an extended amount of time, and this record touches on it all. There is material on this record that is literally 27 years old along with material that was written just 6 months ago, and everything in between. There are truly no words to express the emotions which are connected with this moment. And that’s pretty convenient because I prefer to do my talking in the ring/stage anyway. But the people who really made this what it is cannot go without mention: My incredible band mates; Simon and crew at AISA Management; all at Nuclear Blast Records; and Duane Simoneaux at OCD Recording, Jens Bogren was an unquestionable genius! So honored to have him on this. This is, without a doubt for the first time in our career, the album we intended to give you. Production, sound, art, it’s all there, with no compromise! I’m eternally grateful for all who helped make it happen. And to all that have waited for it, prayed for it, begged for it, or even dreaded this moment, much love and I’ll see you in the ’Ring!’

Kuva: Dante Torrieri
Lähde: Nuclear Blast

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.