Thobbe Englund Civil War -yhtyeen uudeksi kitaristiksi


Civil War on pestannut ex-Sabaton kepittäjän Thobbe Englundin uudeksi kitaristikseen. Yhtye tiedotti asiasta Facebook-sivullaan.

New Guitar player in Civil War, Thobbe Englund.

We can now share the news that Thobbe Englund (ex member of Sabaton, Raubtier…) is now part of Civil War.

Since February, Rikard has not been a member of the band and we are now proud to present how Civil War will go on into the future!

Thobbe brings a lot of energy and he is a great guitar player, and since Rikard was never a part of our songwriting team, we are confident that you will appreciate this exciting change in Civil War.

We look forward to finalizing the upcoming album with Thobbe and soon we will have more great news to share with you!

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Kuva: Civil War Facebook-sivu

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