Therion julkaisi musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”Tuonela” – vokaaleissa mukana Marko Hietala


Therion julkaisi vastikään 17. albuminsa ”Leviathan”. Nyt nähtävillä musiikkivideo kappaleesta ”Tuonela”, jonka vokaaleissa on mukana entinen Nightwish-jäsen Marko Hietala.

Therionin keulakuva Christofer Johnsson kommentoi:

Like everyone else I’m very sad and was also surprised to read that Marko is leaving Nightwish. But I understand the meaning of his reasons and there are many that are frustrated about the same things.
But Marko has been active as a professional recording artist with various quality bands since the mid 80s, so I am absolutely sure we will see his return to the scene in time. He is simply too good to not be involved with music. But right now I hope he will take a good amount of time to just find himself and get the full energy and inspiration back on track.




1. The Leaf on the Oak of Far
2. Tuonela
3. Leviathan
4. Die Wellen der Zeit
5. Aži Dahāka
6. Eye of Algol
7. Nocturnal Light
8. Great Marquis of Hell
9. Psalm of Retribution
10. El Primer Sol
11. Ten Courts of Diyu

Osta albumi:

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Lähde: Nuclear Blast
Kuva: Kuvakaappaus

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