Tammikuussa Suomea kiertävä Machinae Supremacy: Uusi levy ilmestyy syksyllä 2020.


Ruotsalainen videopelien soundtrack-maailmaa, popia ja metallia onnistuneesti fuusioiva Machinae Supremacy kiertää Suomea säännöllisesti ja luvassa on jälleen viisi keikkaa tammikuussa 2020.

Metalliluolan kysymyksiin rundin alla vastasi yhtyeen kosketinsoittaja/basisti Andreas ”Gordon” Gerdin. Gerdin ennakoi yhtyeen seuraavan levyn ilmestyvän syksyllä 2020 ja kertoo myös kiertueiden suosikkikokemuksensa sekä kaupunkinsa Suomesta.

You have a Finnish tour coming up in January. You have visited Finland many times playing in multiple cities. Has there been a particular show or a town that has stuck to your mind from Finland?

We’ve had so many awesome gigs in Finland over the years. It’s hard to pick one out. 🙂 Cities that stand out are Helsinki, Tampere, Jyväskylä and Kuopio. We’ve played there so many times that it feels like home. Way back we had an awesome show in Turku, which ended in me stage diving and riding the crowd all the way back to the bar. That was so much fun. It was after that I saw the big signs saying”No stage diving”. My bad. 🙂

The band also visited America couple of years ago, how was the reception there?

We have a lot of dedicated fans over there. Same as here in Finland. But since it’s such a huge country, it’s harder to gather the fans at the gigs. Overall the gigs were great, with the exception of some middle of the week-gigs at smaller places with few people. We are aiming to go back there after next album is released.

When planning a tour, do you reach easily a common understanding on what songs to play?

Yes and no. 🙂 I think we each let go of some of our own favourites for the greater good. With so many songs to choose from it’s inevitable to have some difference of opinions. Usually we decide on a playlist that feels good for all of us. And hopefully the fans feel the same way. 🙂

I first started listening to your music in the beginning of this millennium partly inspired by “The Great Gianna Sisters”. Are there any plans to re-release “Arcade” and “Origin” compilations in CD-form?

We have of course talked about it. We love those songs and would love to highlight them a bit more. Time will tell. Right now focus is on making new songs and getting them out there.

Music industry has changed a great deal over the last years and more fans seem to abandon physical product in favor of digital releases. Is physical CD still your preference or have you gone with the Spotify flow?

We are doing both. A physical CD is a perfect thing to bring to gigs. Fans can have them signed and put on a shelf at home for display. Vinyl is also a good product for collectors. Streaming is a good way to listen to our music wherever you are. It’s easily accessible.

When can we expect new Machinae Supremacy -album?

We are working on it. Our goal is to have it out in autumn 2020.

The band has participated in soundtracks for example to Jets ‘n’ Guts -video game. How did you end up working with the project and is anything similar in the pipeline for you?

We got contacted by the Czech studio Rake in Grass that wanted us to be part of the project. They had of course heard our songs, and our connection to the gaming community was strong at that point in time. It still is I hope. 🙂 We just finished the Jets ’n’ Guns 2 soundtrack and are eagerly awaiting the release of the full game that’s coming out shortly. Then we will reveal the remaining tracks on the soundtrack. The early access only includes a part of the album. Lots to look forward too. 🙂 Our focus now is the new Machinae Supremacy album, and we don’t have other projects in the pipeline. But you never know what pops up. We’re ready for anything. 🙂

Have you played any video games lately? Which are your favorite?

We are playing a lot of games but each band member has their own taste. I have been interested in trying Death Stranding on PS4. Might pick that up shortly. And don’t miss that Jets ’n’ Guns is coming to the Nintendo Switch! Get it now! It’s of course available on other platforms also but the Switch is the latest.

In Facebook, you have Machinae Supremacy Ink -photo folder, where fans present their band related tattoos, those are really impressive! What kind of feeling does it give you, when someone’s arm has a text “I am the Villain of This Story”?

It’s an unreal feeling. We are so honoured to have such an impact on someone’s life, that they mark their body with our logo or lyrics. But of course, you don’t need to get a tattoo to prove that you’re a big fan of Machinae Supremacy. 🙂 Showing up at a gig and talking to us is more than enough. I would say just listening to our music is enough, but coming to the gigs helps us keep this train rolling. 🙂

Machinae Supremacy celebrates 20th anniversary in 2020. Have you planned anything special for the occasion?

Yes! We will do some special things in celebration of this. Releasing an album is just one of them. 🙂 Keep an eye on our FB, Instagram or website for more info during the year. Fun things are coming up!

Last greetings to the readers of Metalliluola?

Hey! We want to wish all you readers a Merry Christmas and a happy 2020! The year of the Machinae! 🙂 See you at the gigs!

Machinae Supremacy kiertää Suomea tammikuussa seuraavasti:

ke 8.1.2020 Kouvola, House of Rock
to 9.1.2020 Helsinki, On the Rocks
pe 10.1.2020 Tampere, TalviHelvetti, Tullikamari
la 11.1.2020 Seinäjoki, Seinäjoki Metal Festival, Rytmikorjaamo
su 12.1.2020 Oulu, 45-Special

Haastattelu: Miika Manninen
Kuvat: Raisa Krogerus ©Metalliluola

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Lappeenrannasta kotoisin oleva, nykyinen siilinjärveläinen, joka on hengittänyt ja syönyt metallimusiikkia 20 vuoden ajan. Tutustuminen "alaan" tapahtui perinteisen heavy metalin myötä ja myöhemmin musiikkimaku onkin laajentunut runsaasti metallin saralla. Elämääni runsasta lisäväriä musiikin lisäksi tuovat perhe, sekä jonkinasteinen urheiluhulluus.