Steelfestin kattaus valmis


Hyvinkäällä 16.-18.5.2024 2024 järjestettävä Steelfest on julkaissut tapahtuman esiintyjät. Ukrainalainen Nokturnal Mortum ei pääse tänäkään vuonna mukaan festivaaliin. Lisäksi pois ovat jääneet Vader ja Miserere Luminis.

Alla tapahtuman päiväkohtainen esiintyjäkattaus:

Steelfest 2024 esiintyjät ovat:

Worldwide gathering of wolves from the underground.
Hyvinkää, Finland.
Gorgoroth (Nor)
Mysticum (Nor)
Inquisition (Col)
Blasphemy (Can)
Unleashed (Swe)
Dødheimsgard (Nor)
Kroda (Ukr)
Misþyrming (Isl)
White Death
Denial Of God (Dnk)
Diocletian (Nzl)
Aeternus (Nor)
Hellbutcher (Swe)
Ofermod (Swe)
Ved Buens Ende….(Nor)
Craft (Swe)
Délétère (Can)
Ragnarok (Nor)
Commander Agares
Ifernach (Can)
Acherontas (Gre)
Sarkrista (Ger)
Strid (Nor)
Inferno (Cze)
Chamber Of Unlight
Thornspawn (Usa)
Ereshkigal (Mex)
Cadaveric Incubator
Black Altar (Pol)
Licht Des Urteils

Tapahtuman Facebook-sivulla tiedotettiin asiasta seuraavasti:

Instead of the promised 5 new acts, we’ve secured confirmation for 6 new artists to join Steelfest 2024. But before we delve into that, let’s first address some iinfo about tickets and other changes to the lineup.
All 1 and 2-day tickets are now sales. With the festival venue having limited capacity, a greater proportion is designated for 3-day tickets. As a result, the availability of 1 and 2-day tickets are limited. For instance, daily tickets are currently limited to 100 pieces per day. We adjust capacities for each ticket type to optimize availability.
Despite our hopes for eased travel regulations, it seems that travel from Ukraine will not be feasible in the foreseeable future. We are actively working with Nokturnal Mortum and their management to explore ways to facilitate their appearance. However, at this moment, Nokturnal Mortum will not be able to join us as planned.
Nevertheless, we want to assure you that if travel from Ukraine becomes possible at any point before the festival, we will immediately reinstate the band to our lineup.
Additionally, Vader had to cancel their performance at Steelfest 2024 due to ”personal” reasons, while Miserere Luminis had to cancel due to ”multiple” reasons.
