Slipknot Unmasked: All Out Life -dokumentti katsottavissa


BBC:n Slipknotin uraa luotaava ”Slipknot Unmasked: All Out Life” -dokumentti on nyt katsottavissa kokonaisuudessaan. Dokumentissa nähdään haastatteluja, backstage materiaalia sekä yksi kappale jokaiselta yhtyeen kuudelta studiolevyltä esitettynä Maida Vale Studioilla.

Dokumenttia kuvataan seuraavasti:

A unique and fascinating insight into the career and controversies of one of the most successful and contentious heavy metal bands of all time: Slipknot. The film combines new interviews, backstage access and an exclusive live session from the nine-piece group, performing six career-defining tracks at the legendary Maida Vale Studios in front of an intimate audience. The six tracks, one from each of the band’s albums, transport the group, acknowledged by many as one of the most extreme live acts ever, from their usual arena-sized shows to a uniquely intimate and intense setting. The film highlights the group’s phenomenal 25-year career, revealing how one of the most relentless and intense-sounding groups ever have struggled with drink, drugs, depression and the death of a band member, topped the charts, outsold their peers and picked up a Grammy along the way, whilst staying as bold, fearless and exhilarating as ever.

Lähde: BBC Radio
Kuva: Hannu Juutilainen ©Metalliluola

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.