Saxon julkaisi dokumentin uudesta ”Inspirations”-levystä


Saxon julkaisi vastikään uuden cover-albuminsa ”Inspiration”. Nyt katsottavissa yhtyeen julkaisema dokumentti levyn äänityksen tunnelmista Brockfield Hallista, Englannista.

“The warmth and feel of Inspirations had so much to do with being together in this magnificent place and doing it ‘old-school’ style,” laulaja Biff Byford kertoo. “This is how many bands back in the day -including some of the ones covered here- made such great albums, so it just felt really good to be able to do this somewhere like Brockfield Hall.”

“We wanted to do an album based on our influences, the songs and bands that inspired us to write what we did and still do,” Byford jatkaa, “and it was also interesting to see what my voice could do as I haven’t sung many of these songs before.”


  1. Paint It Black
  2. Immigrant Song
  3. Paperback Writer
  4. Evil Woman
  5. Stone Free
  6. Bomber
  7. Speed King
  8. The Rocker
  9. Hold The Line
  10. Problem Child
  11. See My Friends

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