Sammy Hagar & The Circle julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ”Father Time”


Sammy Hagar & The Circle julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ”Father Time”.

”When I first wrote Father Time, I kept it from everyone because it was so personal that I’d get too choked up to actually sing it. I wrote it just after turning 70 while I was at our then home in Maui.  That house was my sanctuary in the middle of the jungle, overlooking the ocean– it was just paradise. The words ‘Father Time’s over there looking over my shoulder’ just kept going through my head, so I picked up my guitar and the rest of the song just came spilling out. I turned on my iPhone and recorded it. I cried my eyes out after I wrote and played it back. It’s probably the most personal song that I’ve ever written and now, after just turning 75, I’m finally ready to release it.” – Sammy

  • Director: Travis Detweiler
  • Producer: Chris & Aimee Kurtz/ Virtual Talking Machine Co.
  • Video Editors: Aaron Abercrombie & Sean Power

Lähde: Sammy Hagar

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