Saha on laki: Bloodbathin uusi “Chainsaw Lullaby” –musiikkivideo katsottavissa.

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Death metal –ryhmä Bloodbath on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”Chainsaw Lullaby”. Biisi on nostettu yhtyeen tulevalta 26.10.2018 ilmestyvältä ”The Arrow Of Satan Is Drawn” –albumilta. Kappale ja video tekevät kunniaa 1980-luvun halpakauhuelokuville.

Biisiä ja videota kuvaillaan seuraavasti:

”Chainsaw Lullaby” is the new blood-soaked, psycho slashing song and video from the Swedish masters of death and black metal Video directed by Ash Pears.The 1980s saw these Swedish teenagers consuming all the horror and slasher movies they could, glued to their VHS’, their obsession with the genre only intensified as the media campaigned and lobbied against an outbreak of “video-violence”, preaching warnings of how it would ruin a generation of kids. Fast forward 30 years and those media warnings have come to fruition as those teenagers grew up and became Bloodbath, Sweden’s shadiest death cult and they now present to you “Chainsaw Lullaby”, the gore-filled, blood splattered ode to their weapon of choice spliced together with an AC/DC inspired death ‘n’ roll soundtrack. Welcome to the terrifying Bloodbath world where the saw IS the law!

1. Fleischmann
2. Bloodicide
3. Wayward Samaritan
4. Levitator
5. Deader
6. March Of The Crucifiers
7. Morbid Antichrist
8. Warhead Ritual
9. Only The Dead Survive
10. Chainsaw Lullaby

Bonus Tracks on Ltd Edition CD:
11. Ride The Waves Of Fire
12. Wide Eyed Abandon

Lähde: Peaceville

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.