Rage tarjoilee ensimmäisen musiikkivideon ”Blackened Karma” tulevalta levyltä


Saksalainen metalliveteraani Rage on julkaissut ensimmäisen singlen ja musiikkivideon ”Blackened Karma” sekä lisätiedot heinäkuussa ilmestyvältä ”Seasons Of The Black” levyltä. Albumi saapuu kauppoihin 28.7.2017 Nuclear Blastin kautta ja on ennakkotilattavissa linkistä.

Keulamies Peavy Wagner kommentoi:

This song attracted our attention already whilst the pre-production so we decided to take this as our first single back then. We recorded the video in Madrid, Spain with the famous company of Sôber guitarist Jorge Escobedo Sober (From Hell Pictures). The lyrics as well as the clip deal with the so-called ’Butterfly effect’. In the end, all of our actions will come back to us and I think this is really well shown in pictures with the story of the robber and murderer in our video.

Katso ”Blackened Karma” alta:

“Seasons Of The Black” sisältää myös bonuslevyn, jolla kuullaan uusia versiota Ragen 1980-luvun esiasteen Avengerin kappaleista.

Wagner jatkaa:

It was really nice to re-record the songs from my first years of being a musician! I remember quite well how the songs were created. I always thought that it’s a pity that most of the people don’t know these songs, just because they were released with another band name. For me it was always clear that these songs are kind of timeless and when we played them together it was really awesome! Back then, we couldn’t realise our ideas as good as today. When you listen to the new recordings you will recognize how fantastic these songs really are!

“Seasons Of The Black” kansi ja kappalelista:

1. Season Of The Black
2. Serpents In Disguise
3. Blackened Karma
4. Time Will Tell
5. Septic Bite
6. Walk Among The Dead
7. All We Know Is Not
8. The Tragedy Of Man – Gaia
9. The Tragedy Of Man – Justify
10. The Tragedy Of Man – Bloodshed In Paradise
11. The Tragedy Of Man – Farewell

Avenger Revisited (Bonus CD)
1. Adoration
2. Southcross Union
3. Assorted By Satan
4. Faster Than Hell
5. Sword Made Of Steel
6. Down To The Bone

Kuva: David Havlena
Lähde: Nuclear Blast

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.