Puolalainen death metal -yhtye Banisher julkaisi videon uudelta levyltään

Kuva: Łukasz Jaszak

Puolasta tuleva death metal -akti Banisher julkaisi tänä vuonna neljännen levynsä ”Degrees Of Isolation”.

Yhtye julkaisi nyt videon kappaleesta ”Lockdown”:

Yhtyeen kokoonpanoon kuuluu jäseniä yhtyeistä kuten Decapitated, Belphegor, Vital Remains, Hate, Redemptor ja Shodan.

Yhtye kommentoi:

“Lockdown is a song about feelings, emotions and daily habits of an incarcerated person. “Lockdown” is also a term used in jails to describe a certain period of time, when the person is being held in solitary with no option to leave the cell until that period ends .Every hour, every day and every week feels like it lasts 10 times longer. Because of lack of activities, except physical workout, reading books (that is a privilege not always given to every inmate, even if, the most common book that is available is the Bible), and very rarely playing cards (very low possibility to get those) sanity of a person in custody is being on the verge of being lost. Counting days on the wall, waiting from trial to trial, waiting for any information about your situation feels like eternity. Because of no sight of daylight or night, the only measurement of the time of the day is the delivery of the meals. Thousands of thoughts, memories and scenarios are coming through your mind but freedom is the only thing that you are dreaming of.”

“During recent circumstances all around the World due to COVID-19 pandemia and lockdowns, lots of people might’ve thought that they could identify themselves with similar feelings that are being told in the song. But the truth and reality is way beyond what they would not even dream of. Being in your own house, having your own TV, Netflix, internet, PC, your favorite books and games, eating the food you like, going to toilet, having shower or bath whenever you want and having it with privacy, seeing daylight, being with your closest family and most importantly being a FREE PERSON  are all the privileges, that people are forgetting here. People should embrace and appreciate those things, cause they have absolutely no idea how it is really like to lose it.”




Lähde: Earpslit PR
Kuva:  Łukasz Jaszak

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.