Progea Australiasta – Ebonivorylta uusi biisi ja video


Australialainen Ebonivory on julkaissut tulevalta pitkäsoitoltaan biisin ”Explosions After Dark”. Kappaleesta on myös video tarjolla:

Yhtyeen vokalisti Charlie Powlett kertoo biisin synnystä:
”’Explosions After Dark’ is an escalation of aggression for EBONIVORY; it represents the darkest edge of our sound spectrum. We’re excited to be releasing something brimming with chaotic emotions and soundscapes, mirroring the unheard stories that brought us to where we are today. Although initially written several years ago, its lyrical nature only became more relevant as time went on; dealing with issues such as differentiation and cruelty through the lens of modern science fiction. We’re hoping that fans, old and new, allow these crashing auditory waves to wash over them and feel the chilling multiplex of themes hidden in this song’s depths.

Lähde: Hold Tight PR
Kuva: Andrew Basso

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.