Primal Fearilta live-DVD “Angels Of Mercy – Live In Germany” kesäkuussa


Saksan perinteisen metallin lähettiläs Primal Fear julkaisee uuden livepaketin “Angels Of Mercy – Live In Germany” Frontiersin kautta kesäkuussa. ”Rulebreaker”– maailmankiertueella Stuttgartissa taltioidun konsertin lisäksi mukana on promovideoita.

Bändin basisti ja perustajajäsen Mat Sinner kommentoi:

We started in Europe with 11 countries and recorded the concert in Stuttgart for the album and video, which is Primal Fear’s first Blu-Ray release. We continued in the USA and Canada, Japan and for the first time, Australia. Then we played some wonderful festivals in the summer, continued touring in 10 countries in South and Latin America and ended the year with more shows in Europe. It was a fantastic experience for the band and we want to thank every single fan who joined us on this great journey!

Vokalisti Ralf Scheepers lisää:

With a handy cam in my suitcase, I have recorded on multiple occasions many behind the scenes shots and funny, candid moments. We recorded an entire show right at the beginning of this fantastic world tour and it gives you an insight to the Primal Fear live experience on stage. You will find a lot of bonus material such as video clips and different additional surprises, so we can easily say that we are very proud to deliver this package to you…please enjoy and do us a favor: CRANK IT UP!

Paketti ilmestyy CD/DVD/BluRay-formaateissa 2.6.2017 ja luvassa on myös vinyyli- sekä rajoitettu boksiversio.

Kansi ja kappalelista alla:

[one_half]DVD / BLU RAY:
1. Countdown To Insanity
2. Final Embrace
3. In Metal We Trust
4. Angel In Black
5. Rulebreaker
6. Sign Of Fear
7. Seven Seals
8. Let There Be Drums
9. Angels Of Mercy
10. The End Is Near
11. Rollercoaster
12. The Sky Is Burning
13. Nuclear Fire
14. When Death Comes Knocking
15. Metal Is Forever
16. Fighting The Darkness
17. Running In The Dust
Bonus features:
– The End Is Near (Videoclip)
– Angels Of Mercy (Videoclip)
– When Death Comes Knocking (Videoclip)
– King For A Day (Videoclip)
– Strike (Videoclip)
– Chainbreaker (Live At Master Of Rocks)
– Rulebreaker World Tour 2016 (documentary)[/one_half] [one_half_last]CD:
1. Countdown To Insanity
2. Final Embrace
3. In Metal We Trust
4. Angel In Black
5. Rulebreaker
6. Sign Of Fear
7. Seven Seals
8. Angels Of Mercy
9. The End Is Near
10. Rollercoaster
11. The Sky Is Burning
12. Nuclear Fire
13. When Death Comes Knocking
14. Metal Is Forever
15. Fighting The Darkness[/one_half_last]


Alla traileria julkaisusta:

PF LIVE DVD 2017 – 2nd TrailerWe are working hard on the final mixes and video cuts for our forthcoming LIVE DVD which is to be released in 2017, so here is another tiny snippet for you to watch….enjoy! Cheers, Ralf and the PF gang!

Julkaissut Ralf Scheepers 22. marraskuuta 2016

Lähde: Frontiers

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Hevimaailmassa vaellettu jo 1980-luvulta. Monipuolisen metallimusiikkiin syventymisen, perheen sekä työn ohella ajan vievät kolme koota; kirjoittaminen, koulutus ja kuntoilu.