Powerwolf julkaisi musiikkivideon uudesta versiostaan “Kiss Of The Cobra King”


Powerwolf on julkaissut uuden version ja musiikkivideon alun perin ”Return In Bloodred” –levyllä ilmestyneestä kappaleestaan ”Kiss Of The Cobra King”.

Yhtye kertoo biisistä seuraavaa:

To celebrate the pack’s 15th birthday, we decided to realize an idea that had been around for many years – it felt like now was the right time for it to be realized. As a birthday present to ourselves and all the legions of PW-maniacs out there, we have re-written the “Return in bloodred“-classic “Kiss Of The Cobra King“.

This song has been one of our faves ever since and it was a fun experience to transform this song into how it would sound if it were a song written by Powerwolf in 2019.

In fact, it has become a totally new song and we absolutely love it. The writing and recording-session for this one was truly special to us, as there was no album context, no huge framework, just a loose idea and the freedom to let it happen. And since a special recording deserves a special visualization, we went all the way and shot an amazingly weird video-clip – enjoy!

Powerwolf nähdään Suomessa Helsingin The Circuksessa yhdessä Gloryhammerin kanssa 19.11.2019.

Lähde: Napalm Records

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.