Industriaalista metallia soittava, osuvasti nimetty Porn julkaisi kolmen levyn remix-kokoelman ”Mr Strangler Trilogy”. Levylle remixejä ovat tehneet muun muassa Combichrist, Orgy ja Chris Vrennan (ex-Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson).
”It’s an honor for us to have these great bands involved: Combichrist, Stabbing Westward, Orgy, Jimmy Urine from Mindless Self Indulgence, Chris Vrenna ( ex NIN and Marilyn Manson), The Anix, Ash Code, Lluther. I am a big fan of all these bands. The PORN’s priest aka Aura Shred did a remix too. And with The One, we cooked a special remix with our side-project An erotic end of times.
We are PORN, you are PORN ! Mr Strangler is dead, long live his memory!” kertoo Philippe Deschemin.
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Mr Strangler Trilogy on kolmiosainen konseptilevy murhaajasta nimeltä Mr Strangler. Tarina menee seuraavasti:
The Ogre Inside – Act I :
The Ogre Inside is an album about inner struggle, about dark desires, and how society can oppress your will. This album is about Mr Strangler’s childhood. How he discovered his dark desires, tried to hide them and fight against them. This is a fight no one can win. This fight creates the feeling of being devoured on the inside, by an insatiable Ogre. The Ogre that devours you from the inside always wins. We have all experienced this kind of feeling. The album is an invocation, a way to set the Ogre free, embrace your ”true self” and allow your darkest desires to express themselves. It’s an incitement to act. The Ogre Inside won this inner struggle, giving birth to Mr Strangler.
The Darkest of Human Desires – Act II
In the second opus, Mr Strangler, by embracing his ”true self ”, expresses his dark impulses without limitations and has no boundaries. With his crew, Mr Strangler commits murders and massacres. He also invites everyone to make a step forward and act, invites you to express your darkest desires and join his death cult. For Mr Strangler and his team, the Ogre was released. They let the darkest of human desires be : murder.
No Monsters in God’s Eyes – Act III
In this final act, Mr Strangler’s bloody odyssey comes to an end. He is in jail awaiting execution. This final Act is his testament. Faced with the imminent end of his life, he takes stock of his life and begins a dialogue with his death and enjoins everyone to continue his work… the work of God, because if God exists everything is his. And even the worst monsters are the children of God. There are no monsters in God’s eyes.
Just after he died, Mr Strangler became a kind of messiah for an enigmatic community : The Stranglings , led by The Guide. Growing and growing, this community travels from town to town, joined by people fleeing the modern world for a new life.
The Story continues…
Lähde: Against PR
Kuva: Porn
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.