One Morning Left teki uuden sopimuksen ja valmistelee neljättä levyään

Kuva: Lars Johnson

Tiedote 25.7.2020

Vaasalainen metalcore/pop metal -yhtye One Morning Left on tehnyt uuden sopimuksen Arising Empiren kanssa ja viimeistelee parhaillaan neljättä albumiaan.

Yhtye kommentoi:

We accept this honour to join the best roster in the scene with great pride.


Joining forces with such an illustrious label gives our upcoming albums the best possible chance to get the attention they deserve.


We see the potential in the band’s new direction and are thrilled and grateful that Arising Empire does too. Get ready for a whole new era!

Tulevasta levystä kerrotaan seuraavaa:

The album is shaping up to be the artistic peak of the band’s musical ”blood mountain” and everything the band has wanted all along: epic lyrics carried by soaring vocal melodies and harmonies with gritty, aggressive and distinctive dirty vocals from front man Mika Lahti, along with breathtaking keyboard leads, blisteringly fast guitars, masterful bass riffs and feverish drum parts.

Mika Lahti | Lead Vocals
Leevi Luoto | Guitar & Lead Vocals
Tuukka Ojansivu | Guitar & Backing Vocals
Miska Sipiläinen | Bass & Backing Vocals
Touko Keippilä | Keyboards & Backing Vocals
Niko Hyttinen | Drums


Kuva: Lars Johnson

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