Once Human julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ”Scar Weaver”


Once Human julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ”Scar Weaver”.

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”Damien Rainaud, our bass player, came up with the title “Scar Weaver”, Which I thought was brilliant for the topic I was currently writing for the song. When I asked him his meaning for the words, he said “We all go through life creating scars onto others.. bad scars, and good scars. We are all Scar Weavers.”

“We have an amazing record, we’re ready to crush it, we have a really good chemistry between all of us. We’re really good friends, and that’s really important. I think you can feel that when you see us onstage, like, ‘These guys are actually happy to be here and they like each other!’ That’s a bonus. It doesn’t have to be like that. But luckily we have a really cool, strong bond. It’s so important for us to get out there and connect with people in a real life environment.” 

  • Video by Robert Graves for Defiant Digital Productions

Lähde: Ear Music

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