Northtale julkisti uuden laulajansa

Guilherme Hirose
Kuva: Du Firmo / Antonio Cesar

Ruotsalais-Amerikkalainen power metal -yhtye Northtale julkisti uuden laulajansa, joka on 30-vuotias Guilherme Hirose (Traumer) Brasiliasta.

Kitaristi Bill Hudson kertoo: “After a long and grueling audition process, we are ready to announce our new singer! I’ve auditioned about 40 of the best vocalists in the world, from very famous to complete newcomers, spread through 11 countries. I wish I could’ve hired more than one, but since we needed to make a decision, I’m happy to announce GUILHERME HIROSE as our new frontman! Guilherme blew my mind through his initial auditions, nailing the songs from the first album as if they were written for his own voice. But he REALLY shined on our new songs. When he sent me the first recording, I knew he was the guy. I had no doubt. When I presented him to the band to get their opinions, they unanimously voted for him! We’re a band once again! We’re currently recording vocals at DHARMA STUDIOS in São Paulo, Brazil with engineer Rodrigo Oliveira partnering up with Dennis Ward to deliver amazing performances. We’re once again ready to hit the road!”

Uusi laulaja kommentoi: ”Well it’s just amazing being in a band with such great world class musicians. We’ve been talking since June, and in August I received a Bill’s call, telling I me was the chosen one. Things were shaping just great since, and the new songs sound just awesome (I know it’s a cliché, but that’s exactly how it feels). I’m very much looking forward to hitting the road, as soon as possible, having fun with the guys and with you in your city!!!”

Kuuntele uuden laulajan ääninäyte:

Guilherme Hirose | vocals
Bill Hudson | guitars
Mikael Planefeldt | bass
Jimmy Pitts | keyboard
Patrick Johansson | drums

Lähde: Alpha Omega Management
Kuva:  Du Firmo / Antonio Cesar

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.