Netta Laurenne ja Noora Louhimo julkaisevat yhteisen levyn ensi vuonna

Kuva: Robert Frankó/Lauri Hämäläinen ©

Tiedote 11.11.2020

Laurenne/Louhimo -yhteistyöprojekti julkaisee ensimmäisen levynsä ensi vuonna Frontiers-merkin kautta. Albumi yhdistää ensimmäistä kertaa Battle Beast -vokalisti Noora Louhimon sekä Smackbound-laulaja Netta Laurenne kyvyt. Uusi esittelyvideo on katsottavissa alta.

Netta Laurenne kommentoi:

I’ve had the idea about a possible collaboration with Noora incubating for a few years. Once the pandemic started and cleared out calendars for both of us, it felt like a perfect time to reach out to Noora and start this project. She is such a talented singer who masters various styles and on top of that, simply an awesome person. We are both initially from the same town, so it feels extra special to get us, two metal singers from Tampere, working together on an album full of kick ass metal. This is also a collaboration with my husband, music producer, and guitarist (Thunderstone) Nino Laurenne, with whom I’ve written the songs for the album. We’ve already started recording the album and just can’t wait for it to find its way to you in 2021 as it’ll be FANFUNTASTIC!

Noora Louhimo jatkaa:

When Netta asked me to join in this project I was happily surprised. I had followed her as a singer for years and always admired her soulful and powerful vocals and her way of expressing herself. Now that we have gotten to know each other a bit better through this project, it’s been amazing to realise how much in common we have as singers and as people. We both have similar idols and influences music wise and we both love singing with soul, blues, edge, and power. She’s definitely my long lost soul sister and I’m super excited singing with her on an album filled with our explosive passion for music.

Kuva: Robert Frankó/Lauri Hämäläinen©

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