My Dying Bride julkaisi ”Macabre Cabaret” -EP:n ja musiikkivideon


Brittiläinen doom-veteraani My Dying Bride julkaisi alkuvuonna ilmestyneen ”The Ghost Of Orion” -levyn jatkoksi uuden EP:n ”Macabre Cabaret” Nuclear Blastin kautta. Musiikkivideo nimikappaleesta on tarkistettavissa alta. EP tarjoaa kolme uutta kappaletta.

Vokalisti Aaron Stainthorpe kertoo EP:n kappaleista seuraavaa:

The latest offering from Yorkshires finest merchants of misery features new music composed in the style the band have made their own over three decades which continues their relevance within the scene today. ”Macabre Cabaret” is as menacing and brooding as it is beautiful and melancholic with crushing guitar riffs sailing side by side with emotive piano pieces and vocals to suit all flavours. The stunning artwork captures the image of the band perfectly offering a visual interpretation of the aural devastation that is My Dying Bride.


The new video from My Dying Bride offers a visual treat for lovers of gothic menace and doom-heavy art. A narrative shot in various locations is cut with scenes of the band members doing what they do best – performing their music. A provocative story is played out to sombre overtones with a climax sitting well inside the shadows of malice as the band are dramatised in silhouette shade and smoky aplomb.

1. Macabre Cabaret
2. A Secret Kiss
3. A Purse Of Gold And Stars

Lähde ja kuva: Nuclear Blast

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