Motörhead julkaisee 40-vuotisjuhlan kunniaksi uudelleen ”Overkill”- ja ”Bomber”–levyt lokakuussa


Motörhead ja levy-yhtiö BMG avaavat yhtyeen 40-vuotisen uran kattavan uudelleenjulkaisusarjan boksilla kahdesta yhtyeen 1970-luvun lopun klassikkolevystä; ”Overkill” sekä ”Bomber” lokakuussa 2019.

Motörhead ´79 –nimikkeellä kulkeva boksi paketoi alkuperäisten levyjen lisäksi kaksi aiemmin julkaisematonta konserttia vuodelta 1979, 40-sivuisen kirjan, ”The Rest of ´79” –albumin harvinaisuuksia sekä B-puolia, ”No Class” seiskatuumaisen singlen, ”Bomber” -kiertueohjelman sekä oheistuotteita. Julkaisu on työstetty yhteistyössä levyilla esiintyneen klassisen Motörhead-kokoonpanon Lemmy Killmister/Eddie Clarke/Philty Animal Taylor –perikuntien kanssa.

Saataville tulevat myös 2CD Mediabook sekä 3LP erilliset versiot. Boksi on kaupoissa 25.10.2019. Ennakkotilausta saa jätettyä linkistä. Livevideo ”Bomber” –nimikappaleesta vuodelta 1979 katsottavissa alta. Motörheadin ura päättyi 40 vuoden jälkeen keulamies Lemmyn kuolemaan joulukuussa 2015.

Levy-yhtiö kertoo boksista seuraavaa:

By going through the band’s extensive private archives, to receiving the assistance of key people who were part of their ’79 circle of friends, crew, and accomplices — as well as consulting with super fans — all parties are immensely proud to show the level of detail and commitment which has gone into all three of the ’79 releases, and which will continue with future projects. It was always Lemmy’s demand to give the fans the very best possible in every respect, we believe we have achieved that with these reissues.

A further element of the ’79 box-set release is to offer Motörfans new, old and in-betweenish the full scope and context of how life was when these classics were being created. 1979 was a seismic year for many reasons, and both ”Overkill” and ”Bomber” were written, recorded and toured against a Great Britain dealing with strikes, Margaret Thatcher, football hooliganism plus BUGGLES and the BEE GEES.

And on March 9, 1979, millions of unsuspecting viewers tuned into the BBC’s ”Top Of The Pops” to witness the loudest, most raucous, dangerous and downright exciting band on earth perform the title track of their album ”Overkill”.

A hybrid of punk, rock and heavy metal played with relentless, ear-curdling power, Motörhead was a force of nature propelled by bassist and vocalist Ian ”Lemmy” Kilmister, guitarist ”Fast” Eddie Clarke and drummer Phil ”Philthy Animal” Taylor.

The alchemy between these three outrageous and utterly immortal men was nothing short of life-changing for millions, and all three shared a wonderful ”mad band of brothers” approach to life and music; there was no ’off’ switch and they became legends as a result. ”Overkill” and ”Bomber” are icons, brain-damagingly brilliant to the nth degree, and their enormous influence still reverberates through all genres of music to this day.


Side One
1. Overkill
2. Stay Clean
3. (I Won’t) Pay Your Price
4. I’ll Be Your Sister
5. Capricorn

Side Two
1. No Class
2. Damage Case
3. Tear Ya Down
4. Metropolis
5. Limb From Limb


Side One
1. Dead Men Tell No Tales
2. Lawman
3. Sweet Revenge
4. Sharpshoote
r5. Poison

Side Two
1. Stone Dead Forever
2. All The Aces
3. Step Down
4. Talking Head
5. Bomber

Good N’Loud – Live At Friars, Aylesbury on March 31, 1979

Side One
1. Overkill
2. Stay Clean
3. Keep Us On The Road
4. No Class
5. Leaving Here

Side Two
1. Iron Horse / Born To Lose
2. Metropolis
3. The Watcher
4. Damage Case

Side Three
1. (I Won’t) Pay Your Price
2. Capricorn
3. Too Late, Too Late
4. I’ll Be Your Sister

Side Four
1. I’m Your Witchdoctor
2. Train Kept A-Rollin’
3. Limb From Limb
4. White Line Fever
5. Motörhead

Sharpshooter – Live At la Rotunde, Le Mans on November 3, 1979

Side One
1. Overkill
2. Stay Clean
3. No Class
4. Metropolis

Side Two
1. All The Aces
2. Dead Men Tell No Tales
3. I’ll Be Your Sister
4. Lawman
5. Too Late, Too Late
Side Three
1. Poison
2. (I Won’t) Pay Your Price
3. Sharpshooter
4. Capricorn
5. Train Kept A-Rollin’
Side Four
1. Bomber
2. Limb From Limb
3. White Line Fever
4. Motörhead

The Rest Of ’79

Side One
1. Too Late, Too Late (”Overkill” 7″ B-Side)
2. Like A Nightmare (Alternative version of No Class B-Side)
3. Over The Top (”Bomber” 7″ B-Side)
4. Stone Dead Forever (Alternative Version)
5. Sharpshooter (Alternative Version)

Side Two
1. Bomber (Alternative Version)
2. Step Down (Alternative Version)
3. Fun On The Farm (”Bomber” Outtake)
4. Treat Me Nice (”Bomber” Outtake)
5. You Ain’t Gonna Live Forever (”Bomber” Outtake)

No Class 7″

Side One
1. No Class

Side Two
1. Like A Nightmare

Lähde: BMG

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