Mors Subitalta uusi single ja lyriikkavideo ”Black And White”


Tiedote 27.9.2020

Melodista death metalia esittävä oululainen Mors Subita on julkaissut uuden singlen ja lyriikkavideon ”Black And White” tulevalta albumiltaan ”Extinction Era”. Levy ilmestyy 30.10.2020.

”Extinction Era” -ennakkotilausta saa jätettyä linkistä.

Yhtye kertoo uudesta levystään seuraavaa:

The album as a whole is quite well-balanced and versatile. Musically it´s the perfect mixture of beauty and brutality. The riffs are in the center of the songs. It seems just right that the lyrics are as dark and personal as never before. The topics are all built around the absolute lowest points of depression, mental sickness, and the frustration and hate these two can, and will, generate.

1. Sick
2. The Enemy I Know
3. Strain
4. Overthrown
5. Parasites
6. Farewell
7. Into Eternity
8. Disconnect
9. The Oceans Will Know My Name
10. Black And White
11. Coming Home

Eemeli Bodde – Vocals
Mika Lammassaari – Guitars, addit. vocals
Juho Näppä – Guitars
Mika Junttila – Bass
Ville Miinala – Drums

Kuva: Raisa Krogerus ©Metalliluola

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