Monstrosityn paluu on totta: uusi kappale ”Cosmic Pandemia” kuunneltavissa.


Floridan death metal –genren veteraaneihin kuuluva Monstrosity on julkaissut ensimmäisen kappaleen ”Cosmic Pandemia” sekä lisätiedot tulevalta ”The Passage Of Existence” -levyltä. Albumi julkaistaan Metal Bladen kautta 7.9.2018.

Rumpali Lee Harrison kommentoi:

First off, I present to you the master piece of masterpieces in the Monstrosity universe. This album requires a certain justice though and I ask you, as the listener, to properly step up to the task. Don’t play this recording on a cheap portable radio or your tiny ear buds. This album was built to be played loud on a killer system. Do yourself that favor, at least for the first few times you play it. I know it’s so horribly cliché to say ”Play it Loud” but I can honestly say this album is made for that. Listen to it multiple times, too. These songs are going to ”pop” live, too. Can’t wait to bring these songs to the stage. I’m curious to see the opinions. The response by the fans to the teaser clip we posted was super positive, so I’ll be so glad when the single is released and the years of hard work finally come to fruition. Hope to see you guys on the road soon and blast it!

Kansi ja kappalelista:

1. Cosmic Pandemia
2. Kingdom Of Fire
3. Radiated
4. Solar Vacuum
5. The Proselygeist
6. Maelstrom
7. Eyes Upon The Abyss
8. Dark Matter Invocation (ltd. Digi-CD bonus)
9. The Hive
10. Eternal Void (ltd. Digi-CD bonus)
11. Century
12. Slaves To The Evermore

Lähde: Metal Blade

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.