Mimorium julkaisi uuden singlen ”Invocation Of The Nameless One” tulevalta albumilta

Kuva: Mimorium

Tiedote 7.5.2022

Kotimainen black metal -yhtye Mimorium on julkaissut ensimmäisen singlen ”Invocation Of The Nameless One” tulevalta kolmannelta albumiltaan ”The Route Of Haeresis”. Levy ilmestyy Spread Evil Productions -merkin kautta 12.8.2022. Miksauksesta ja masteroinnista vastasi Henri Sorvali. Kansitaiteesta vastasivat T. Oranen sekä K. Pyyhtinen.

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Under the immortal stars, hear our call!


We are honored to announce that our third album is called “The Route Of Haeresis”. The album features 8 tracks inspired by old-school witchcraft and esoteric doctrines.


The publisher is the mighty Spread EVIL Productions and the distribution is handled by a Militant Underground. The album will be released on August 12th.


The album was mixed and mastered by Henri ”Trollhorn” Sorvali and Trollhouse Audio.


We also want to offer you the first premiere of a song called “Invocation Of The Nameless One”.


So now it’s your turn to share the Chaos!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mimorium
Bandcamp: https://mimorium.bandcamp.com

Kuva: Mimorium

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