Mikkey Dee Scorpionsin pysyväksi rumpaliksi



Scorpions on ilmoittanut entisen Motörhead-rumpali Mikkey Deen pysyvästä liittymisestä saksalaisveteraanien riveihin. Dee on tuurannut yhtyeessä viime keväästä saakka päihdeongelmista kärsivää James Kottakia.

Scorpionsin lausunto Deen liittymisestä alla:

We would like to thank James for so many years of lasting participation in the band and personal friendship. We understand and respect his need for time as he makes his way through the final stages of his healing process. After our incredibly successful shows in the U.S., Europe and Asia, we are sure to have found a fantastic drummer with Mikkey Dee. He brings a fresh energy to the band and we look forward to the exciting time together that lies ahead.

Mikkey Dee on kommentoinut asiaa seuraavasti:

I feel truly honored and fortunate to be able to carry on playing drums on this level. I grew up listening to Scorpions and have always loved the band. We have been friends for a long time so traveling and performing this year with Klaus, Rudolf, Matthias and Pawel has been loads of fun and the crew is very professional. The Scorpions fans has been most welcoming and its been great to meet all the crazy wonderful Motörhead bangers along the way. I had some close to 25 amazing years with my friends and brothers Lemmy and Phill in Motörhead and that will always be the back bone in my future drumming. Lemmy always had great respect for Scorpions for being a real rockband and I am sure he is proud up there that I moved on and for playing with this class act.

Katso alta Mikkeyn näkemyksiä mm. Scorpions-pestistään viime kesäkuulta:

Profiili |  + artikkelit

Hevimaailmassa vaellettu jo 1980-luvulta. Monipuolisen metallimusiikkiin syventymisen, perheen sekä työn ohella ajan vievät kolme koota; kirjoittaminen, koulutus ja kuntoilu.