Mikael Salo ja Raul Ibarra julkaisivat version Dream Theaterin kappaleesta ”Act Of Faythe”


Tiedote 6.12.2020

Metal De Facton, Dyecrestin sekä Everfrostin vokalisti Mikael Salo esittää uudella videolla yhdessä pianisti Raul Ibarran kanssa version Dream Theaterin vuoden 2016 teemalevyn ”The Astonishing” kappaleesta ”Act Of Faythe”

Mikael kommentoi:

Time for the spirit of Christmas fairytales to invade this channel, but not with a Christmas carol.

I have to admit, I’m a sucker for a good Broadway musical (see Les Misérables) / Disney soundtrack tune (see Alan Menken’s work), and Dream Theater blew me away by venturing into that area a couple years back with their epic double concept album ”The Astonishing”. Even David Campbell was involved, and I have to say that I do think the album is almost criminally underrated!


Anyhow, here’s me and Raul Ibarra’s cover of ”Act Of Faythe”. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it – this musical-esque style was extremely fun for me to sing!

Lähde ja kuva: Mikael Salo

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