Tiedote 7.2.2021
Hard rock -yhtye Michael Schenker Group on julkaissut uusimman studioalbuminsa ”Immortal”. Levy julkaistiin Nuclear Blastin kautta, ja se juhlistaa Michael Schenkerin 50-vuotista taivalta muusikkona. Levyn päätöskappaleen ”In Search Of The Peace Of Mind” musiikkivideo on katsottavissa.
Kitaristiveteraani itse kommentoi:
”’In Search Of The Peace Of Mind’ had to be my 50th anniversary celebration song. It means so much to me, because it was my very first musical composition I wrote at the age of 15. And it was also the first song I had ever put on a record, also at the age of 15.
In addition, this song from the original ’Lonesome Crow’ Scorpion’s album, the very first album the Scorpions had ever recorded, has a solo on it that that was so perfect I would never change a note in 1000 years. I have no idea where it came from, alongside the other solos on ’Lonesome Crow’, where you can hear that I am an amateur, young and developing as a kid. But this lead break came from somewhere else. I have no idea how it happened.
I wanted to re-record this song for ’Immortal’, making it an epic and put an additional long solo on the end of the song, which turned out so amazing. The sound describes my 50-year journey expressed on lead guitar. Again it ended up so amazing, like an inner conversation throughout my life – questions and answers; making choices expressed on lead guitar.
With Gary Barden, Ronnie Romero, Robin McAuley and Doogie White making a contribution to my 50th anniversary, it turned out complete. Not to forget the amazing contribution of Simon Phillips on drums, Barry Sparks on bass, as well as Steve Mann on keyboards. Fantastic.
This is the 4th single for ’Immortal’ – 50th anniversary of Michael Schenker
Have fun,
Michael Schenker”
Albumi on tilattavissa linkistä:
Tammikuussa levyn kappaleesta ”Sail The Darkness” julkaistiin musiikkivideo.

1 Drilled to kill
2 Don’t die on me now
3 Knight of the dead
4 After the rain
5 Devil’s daughter
6 Sail the darkness
7 The queen of thorns and roses
8 Come on over
9 Sangria morte
10 In search of the peace of mind
Lähde: Nuclear Blast
Kuva: Laurence Harvey
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.