Norjalainen metalliyhtye Slaves To Fashion on julkaisemassa kunnianhimoista konseptialbumiaan ”The History of Heavy Metal”.
Levyllään yhtye pyrkii kattamaan mahdollisimman monta eri heavy metallin genreä. Tällä hetkellä Slaves To Fashion on julkaissut neljä sinkkua, joiden nimistä on helppo päätellä lajityyli. Uusimman kappaleen voit kuunnella listauksen alta.
The Priest of Maidenhhead
Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘N’ Roll
Thrash of the Titans
Alla tarkemmat tiedot sinkuista:
Release date: February 13th 2020
This song honors and pays tribute to the legendary early bands of heavy metal: Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin. It was recorded on vintage gear and analoge tape machines to capture the right vibe of the good old days. We love our guest musicians on this one so we hope you like the song!
Johannes Støle: lead vocals, hammond organ
Torfinn Sirnes: rhythm guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, bridge lead vocal, mellotron
Geir Thorstensen: drums
Ole Øvstedal: first and third guitar solo, additional bridge guitars
Daniel Palmqvist: second guitar solo
Produced by Torfinn Sirnes
Bridge arranged by Ole Øvstedal
Basic tracks engineered by Dag Erik Andersen at Athletic Sound, Halden
Mixed by Espen Andersen at Cederberg Studios, Kristiansand
Mastered by Christian Obermayer at Strype Audio, Oslo
Cover art by Alf Dale Wold
The Priest of Maidenhead
Release date: March 22nd 2020
Heavy metal was born in 1970. Ten years later, the genre was already grown up! Bands like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Motörhead were extremely important in cementing heavy metal as a distinct genre and subculture. Our second single pays tribute to the classic heavy metal from the beginning of the 1980’s. Irons up!
Mads Pedersen: lead vocals
Torfinn Sirnes: rhythm guitars, melody guitars, first and second guitar solo
Bernt Jansen: bass
Vidar Ingvaldsen: drums
Daniel Palmqvist: third guitar solo
Dag Erik Johansen: ”Fast Eddie” Clark guitar fills
Produced by Torfinn Sirnes
Basic tracks engineered by Dag Erik Johansen at Athletic Sound, Halden
Mixed by Rudolf Fredly at Sweetspot Studio, Vedavågen
Mastered by Christian Obermayer at Strype Audio, Oslo
Cover art by Dimitar Nikolov
Sex, Drugs & Rock ’N’ Roll
Release date: April 24th 2020
As heavy metal was established as a distinct genre and subculture in the early 1980’s, different subgenres started to develop. One of them was the controversial bastard between pop and heavy metal: glam metal, also called hair metal. These bands ruled the charts and MTV in the second half of the decade with catchy choruses and distorted guitar riffs. Let’s party all night long!
Johannes Støle: lead and backing vocals
Torfinn Sirnes: guitars
Bernt Jansen: bass
Vidar Ingvaldsen: drums
Steffen Horn: keyboards
Mads Pedersen: backing vocals
Produced by Torfinn Sirnes
Basic tracks engineered by Dag Erik Johansen at Athletic Sound
Additional editing by Rudolf Fredly
Mixed by Beau Hill
Mastered by Christian Obermayer at Strype Audio
Cover art by Torfinn Sirnes
Band logo and song title fonts by Imagex fonts
Thrash of the Titans
Release date: May 29th 2020
In the 1980’s different extreme metal subgenres emerged as the music became faster, heavier and more extreme than the classic form of heavy metal. Spearheaded by Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax the fast and furious thrash metal became the most popular extreme metal genre. Our fourth single pays tribute to the classic thrash metal bands of the 80’s. Show No Mercy! Kill ’Em All!
Mads Pedersen: lead vocals
Torfinn Sirnes: rhythm guitars, clean guitars and first solo
Stein Arild Grønås: rhythm guitar and third solo
Daniel Palmqvist: second guitar solo
John Lind: bass
Trygve André Tvedt: drums
Shout vocals by Johannes Støle, Stein Arild Grønås and Torfinn Sirnes
Produced by Torfinn Sirnes
Drums engineered by Wolfgang B. Ognøy
Vocals engineered by Rudolf Fredly
Additional editing by Rudolf Fredly
Mixed by Flemming Rasmussen at Sweet Silence Studios, Copenhagen
Mastered by Christian Obermayer at Strype Audio
Cover art by Dimitar Nikolov
Tiedote 15.3.2025
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