Puolalainen metalcorea soittava Down With The Kings julkaisi musiikkivideon singlelleen ”Out Of Control”. Yhtye on valmistelemassa uutta albumiaan edellisen, vuonna 2017 julkaistun debyytin ”Selfish Game”, seuraksi.
Basisti Criss Wieckowski:
”’Out Of Control’ is about standing up against the system and defending your true self. When you’ve realised all your dreams and all your values have been taken away by the system, you can either give up and live within the barriers created for you or stand up, fight for your dreams and follow what lies deep in your heart. It’s all about what you’ve got and what they cannot take.”
Kitaristi ja laulaja Alan Zuber lisää:
”It’s crazy! Attila is a band that we’ve listened to and looked up to for years, so to work with Fronz was amazing! He’s a faultless example of living by your own code, so considering the message that we want to deliver, he was the perfect fit for this song. The work itself went smoothly. Fronz doesn’t shy away from expressing his opinions as well as providing his insight during the song creation. All in all, we couldn’t be happier with how it came out. Hopefully, one day we could hit the stage together!”
Lähde: Hold Tight
Kuva: Down With The Kings
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.