Metal Church julkaisi uuden singlen tulevalta levyltään ”Congregation of Annihilation”

Kuva: Rat Pak Records

Metal Church julkaisee 13. studio albuminsa ”Congregation of Annihilation” 26.5.2023. Levy on ensimmäinen vokalisti Mike Howen menehtymisen jälkeen. Metal Churchissa laulaa nykyisin Marc Lopes.

Kurdt Vanderhoof: “This new album is starting a new chapter in the Metal Church legacy. I really love this album. It’s a fresh approach for us in one way, but also a return to the very beginnings of Metal Church as part of the New American Thrash Metal movement. This record contains some of the most aggressive songs we have recorded. I hope the fans will like it as much as we do.”

Marc Lopes“I am beyond honored to be part of carrying on this legacy into a new era of Metal Church. Working with Kurdt and a band that was a huge influence of mine growing up was a surreal experience to say the least. For me there was no point in trying to imitate what was already done to perfection. So, with respect to the past, we moved forward to a new chapter and here we are!”

Yhtye julkaisi uuden singlen ja videon “Pick A God and Prey”:

Congregation Of Annihilation biisilista:
1)    Another Judgement Day
2)    Congregation of Annihilation
3)    Pick A God and Prey
4)    Children of the Lie
5)    Me The Nothing
6)    Making Monsters
7)    Say a Prayer with 7 Bullets
8)    These Violent Thrills
9)    All That We Destroy
10)  My Favorite Sin (Bonus Track)
11)  Salvation (Bonus Track)

Metal Church:

Lähde: Reaper Entertainment
Kuva: Rat Pak Records

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