Mayhem julkaisee ”Daemon”-levyn lokakuussa


Mayhem julkaisee kuudennen studiolevynsä “Daemon” 25.10.2019. Ennakkotilaus käynnistyy kuluvan kuun lopussa. Kansi sekä kappalelista katsottavissa alta.

Yhtye kertoo levystä seuraavaa:

“Daemon” isn’t a direct follow-up to “Esoteric Warfare”. Like all Mayhem albums of their time, “Daemon” is unto itself. The wolf solitary and singular. Indeed, “Daemon” also isn’t a new chapter in our storied career. Rather, it’s a new tome, authoritative yet wild in character. Composed and decomposed with the same lineup – Necrobutcher (bass), Hellhammer (drums), Attila (vocals), Teloch (guitars), and Ghul (guitars) – that handled “Esoteric Warfare” and performed “De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas” in its entirety over the last few years, “Daemon” isn’t a retrofit of classic songs like “Freezing Moon,” “Pagan Fears,” or “Buried by Time and Dust” either. That’s what the live album, “De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas Alive” (2016), was for. “Daemon” is change, an opportunity for the maw of hell to open wider.

Kitaristi Teloch kommentoi:

Mayhem will always be Mayhem. If we put the genre game aside a bit, no one else sounds like Mayhem. Even when ‘De Mysteriis’ came out, it was not at first considered to be a black metal album, if my memory serves me right. Tricky to label this band. Metal would be the most fitting; it’s not pure black metal, in my opinion. Not sure it has ever been actually, despite what the general opinion is. People can call it whatever they want. If it’s black metal to them, then fine. We don’t really care. To me, it’s important to keep some sort of black metal vibe at least.

Mayhem nähdään levyn myötä Suomessa kahdella keikalla marraskuun lopussa. Kiertueen tie vie Tampereen Pakkahuoneelle marraskuun 26. päivä ja seuraavana päivänä 27.11. karavaani kulkee Helsingin Tavastialle.

Kansitaide ja kappalelista:

1. The Dying False King
2. Agenda Ignis
3. Bad Blood
4. Malum
5. Falsified And Hated
6. Aeon Daemonium
7. Worthless Abomination Destroyed
8. Daemon Spawn
9. Of Worms And Ruins
10. Invoke The Oath

Kansi: Daniele Valeriani.

Mayhem kuva: Raisa Krogerus ©Metalliluola

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.