Majestica soittaa livestreamkeikan 16.5.2020

Kuva: Pavel Koubek

Ruotsalainen sinfonista voimametallia esittävä Majestica joutui koronaviruspandemian vuoksi perumaan kevään 2020 kiertueensa ja soittaa tämän vuoksi faneilleen livestreamin Facebook-sivujensa kautta lauantaina 16.5.2020 klo 21 Suomen aikaa.

Basisti Chris David kommentoi:

As we couldn’t hit the road right after the release of ”Above The Sky” last year, our plan was to get out there in 2020. Started the year with a couple of shows in Tokyo, then we had a tour coming in the spring with Twilight Force and some summer festivals. Sadly, everything had to get cancelled or postponed, so we decided to join the online trend with a livestream coming up on Saturday the 16th of May. I think it’s important to try and make as much positive happenings as possible, in any way you can in these strange times. Everything is better then nothing, right?!


The stream will take place in a little cinema/ theater stage in Sweden close to my home in the county of Värmland. We are trying to make a very intimate experience, starting off with a show performing songs from ”Above The Sky” and maybe something from the Reinxeed-years. Then we will head to a “virtual merch booth” where we will be chatting with you, do a Q & A, launch our webshop with some merch and we can sign your orders live in the stream. Like if you are at a club show and the band comes out for little talk at the merch after the show. So come join us online for a power metal session in your living room, and spend your Saturday evening with Majestica!

Lähde: Nuclear Blast
Kuva: Pavel Koubek

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.