Teatraalisen metallin ja hard rockin pioneereihin kuuluva Lizzy Borden julkaisee ensimmäisen albuminsa 11 vuoteen, ”My Midnight Things” kesäkuussa. Levyn nimikappaleen sekä lisätiedot saa tarkistettua alta. ’My Midnight Things’ ilmestyy 15.6.2018 Metal Bladen kautta. Ennakkotilausta saa jätettyä linkistä.
Keulamies Lizzy Borden kommentoi:
Although we have stayed busy touring all over the world, I missed being a recording artist. I look at the new album as a new beginning, I pushed the restart button on my career. I’ve already started working on the ’My Midnight Things’ show, and I really can’t wait to play these songs live. There are so many talented players out there in the world, I know I will find the right musicians to be on stage with me in my touring band in the new show. And just based on what is being talked about so far, it will be the best show I’ve ever done. I really do feel a new excitement that I have not felt in years. The best is yet to come.
’My Midnight Things’ kansi ja kappalelista:
1. My Midnight Things
2. Obsessed with You
3. Long May They Haunt Us
4. The Scar Across My Heart
5. A Stranger to Love
6. The Perfect Poison
7. Run Away with Me
8. Our Love Is God
9. My Midnight Things (Reprise)
10. We Belong to the Shadows
Lähde: Metal Blade
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.