Lamb Of God julkaisi uuden singlen ”Routes”: mukana Testamentin Chuck Billy.

Kuva: Chris Casella / Matt Stasi, Loudwire

Lamb Of God on julkaissut uuden singlen ”Routes”. Biisi on nostettu 19.6.2020 Nuclear Blastin kautta ilmestyvältä levyltä ”Lamb Of God”.

Kappale kertoo Amerikan alkuperäiskansoista ja siinä vierailee intiaaniverta kantava Testamentin vokalisti Chuck Billy.

Levyn ennakkotilausta saa jätettyä linkistä.

Keulamies Randy Blythe kertoo uudesta biisistä seuraavaa:

I went to Standing Rock because I had heard reports of violence committed on the peaceful protestors there by both state law enforcement and private security contractors, and this violence was not reported in mainstream media for the most part. I went to bring supplies and support these people, who were trying to protect their water, and thereby protect everyone, as everything in the natural world is protected. I was there a week, made some great friends, and learned a lot. It was a very profound experience in my life, and I knew one day I would write a song about it.


My experience, although my own, was tempered and shaped by the hundreds of years of brutal oppression of Native peoples in our country. So, it was imperative for me to have a Native voice represented on the song, and Chuck Billy was happy to be that voice. At the end, there is a call and response section — Chuck calls and I respond. This is intentional. Musically, it is symbolic of my experience there. A native voice leads, bringing forth positive energy and calling to the people to unite, and I reply, providing support. That was my physical experience, and it is reflected in the song.

Chuck Billy jatkaa:

It was a great honor as a proud Pomo Native American to be asked by Lamb Of God to do some guest vocals on this song. The #NoDAPL movement by the indigenous people of this country was a historic event. Being able to lend my voice to represent the Native American people, complementing Randy’s storytelling and lyrics, is something really special to me. I’m glad this movement was put in a musical message, and I am extremely happy to have been a part of it.

1. Memento Mori
2. Checkmate
3. Gears
4. Reality Bath
5. New Colossal Hate
6. Resurrection Man
7. Poison Dream
8. Routes
9. Bloodshot Eyes
10. On The Hook

Lähde: Lamb Of God
Kuva: Chris Casella / Matt Stasi, Loudwire

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