Kamelot julkaisi Delainin Charlotte Wesselsin tähdittämän ”Under Grey Skies” -videon uudelta DVD:ltä


Kamelot on julkaissut Delainin vokalisti Charlotte Wesselsin tähdittämän livevideon kappaleesta ”Under Grey Skies”.

Tulkinta on nostettu uudelta “I Am The Empire” BluRay/DVD:ltä, joka on julkaistu Napalm Recordsin kautta. Konsertti taltioitiin Tillburgissa syyskuussa 2018 ja lavalla vierailivat Wesselsin lisäksi mm. Alissa White-Gluz, Elize Ryd, Lauren Hart, Eklipse sekä Sascha Paeth.

“Under Grey Skies”-esitystä kuvataan seuraavasti:

This emotional yet powerful ballad marks one of the many highlights of this magical night and promises to give you goosebumps. For the breathtaking duration of the track, the epic voices of frontman Tommy Karevik and Charlotte Wessels are carried by harmonic orchestration, unifying notes and lyrics as they enchant the audience.

Kamelotin Thomas Youngblood kertoo:

It was a true pleasure having Charlotte join us for this historic night, this was the first time we had ever played ”Under Grey Skies” and it turned out to be a real gem!!

Charlotte Wessels lisää:

It was an absolute delight performing “Under Grey Skies” with Kamelot live in 013 during their special night. It felt like a big family gathering. Thank you for including me. I am sure that this DVD will be a wonderful memento for Kamfans worldwide!

Disc 1
1 Transcendence (Intro)
2 Phantom Divine (Shadow Empire)
3 Rule the World
4 Insomnia
5 The Great Pandemonium
6 When the Lights Are Down
7 My Confession
8 Veil of Elysium
9 Under Grey Skies
10 Ravenlight
11 End of Innocence
12 March of Mephisto
13 Amnesiac

Disc 2
1 Manus Dei
2 Sacrimony (Angel of Afterlife)
3 Drum and Keys Solo
4 Here’s to the Fall
5 Forever
6 Burns to Embrace
7 Liar Liar (Wasteland Monarchy)
8 Ministrium (Shadow Key)

Lähde ja kuva: Napalm Records

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.