Jeff Scott Soto julkaisi “Love’s Blind” -singlen tulevalta ”Wide Awake (In My Dreamland) -soololevyltä


Jeff Scott Soto on julkaissut uuden singlen ”Love’s Blind” tulevalta levyltään ”Wide Awake (In My Dreamland)”. Albumi seuraa vuoden 2017 ”Retributionia” ja tuottajana sekä säveltäjänä toimi Frontiersin Alessandro Del Vecchio. ”Wide Awake (In My Dreamland” ilmestyy 6.11.2020 ja ennakkotilausta saa jätettyä linkistä.

Soto kommentoi:

Frontiers came to me and reminded me that it’s time for another solo album, and this actually makes solo album number seven. If you include all the live stuff and the ’Essential Ballads’, that’s 12 releases in the past 18 years.


As we’re going into the two-decade mark with Frontiers Records, they wanted me to partner up with my dear friend Alessandro Del Vecchio, who’s pretty much proven himself as a house writer, producer, musician, songwriter — I mean, you name it. The guy is a jack of all trades and a master of all.


So Alessandro produced the entire record. He wrote all the songs. He actually played on all the songs. He sent me the original demos, and he’s playing everything. I wrote all the lyrics to all the melody ideas on the road, and I literally came off a two-month tour, with maybe three days off, and I dove straight into recording the vocals of this album here at my home studio.

Kansitaide ja kappalelista:

1. Someone To Love
2. Mystified
3. Love’s Blind
4. Without You
5. Lesson Of Love
6. Paper Wings
7. Love Will Find A Way
8. Between The Lines
9. Living In A Dream
10. Wide Awake (In My Dreamland)
11. Desperate

1. Drowning (live)
2. 21St Century (live)
3. Believe In Me (live)
4. Look Inside Your Heart (live)
5. Eyes Of Love (live)
6. Band Intros (live)
7. Soul Divine (live)
8. Our Song (live)
9. Holding On (live)
10. I’ll Be Waiting (live)
11. Stand Up feat. Dino Jelusick (live)

Alessandro Del Vecchio – Bass, keys, guitars, backing vocals
Fabrizio Sgattoni – Guitars
Edu Cominato – Drums
Jeff Scott Soto – Vocals
August Zadra – backing vocals, lead guitar on ‘Between The Lines’

Lähde: Frontiers
Kuva: Will Ireland

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