Italialainen Ikitan julkaisi kaksi uutta kappaletta


Italiasta tuleva kolmihenkinen Ikitan julkaisee 3.12.2021 kaksi uutta kappaletta “Darvaza” ja “Brinicle”. Kappaleet voi tilata itselleen C-kasettimuodossa Taxi Driver Recordsin Bandcamp-sivulla. Kappaleiden lisäksi kasetilta löytyy “Twenty-Twenty Live at Forte Geremia”.

Kuuntele kappaleet:

“With a lot of new riffs under the belt since the release of “Twenty-Twenty”, and having had the opportunity to share “Live at Forte Geremia” with the world, it was the right time to publish some new music.
We’ve been rehearsing a lot as a consequence of the prolonged state of emergency in Italy, and “Darvaza” and “Brinicle” are the first products of this increased musical productivity in IKITAN’s headquarters”, yhtye kertoo.

“Darvaza (“Door to Hell”, an artificially-created crater that’s been burning since the 70es) and Brinicle (a finger-of-death ice stalactite that kills everything it encounters in the water) represent two different yet complementary sides of our nature, devastating and powerful but ethereal and dream-like at the same time.”


IKITAN nettilinkit:
Bandcamp – Facebook – YouTube – Instagram – Twitter – Spotify

Luca Nash Nasciuti: guitar
Frik Et: bass
Enrico Meloni: drums and cowbell

Lähde: Ikitan

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