Irlantilainen Jet Fuel Chemistry on julkaissut uuden kappaleen

Kuva: Jet Fuel Chemistry

Irlannista tuleva vaihtoehtoista metallia kiskova Jet Fuel Chemistry on julkaissut uuden sinkun tulevalta EP:ltään.

Kappale ”Sign of the times” kuunneltavissa alla:

Kuuntele koko EP:

Yhtyeen basisti Lorcan kommentoi: ”Dublin is a city notorious for phenomenal indie music and there’s a lot of positives to that, but what’s overlooked by that movement is the misery endured by Dublin’s young people for the last decade as more and more of their lives and identities shift to social media. We love the music coming out of our city but most of it does not capture the spirit of dread and aimlessness that’s become the norm here. We want our songs to not only acknowledge these issues, but to give a two fingered salute to the enablers of our collective unhappiness and offer a source of strength to anybody feeling as lost as we do.”


Danny Bochkov – Guitarist / Producer
Ed Orr – Guitarist
Lorcan Macken – Bassist
Dan Cusack – Vocalist
Ross McDermott – Drummer

3:Sign Of The Times
5:Use Your Eyes


Lähde: Hold Tight! PR
Kuva: Jet Fuel Chemistry

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.