I Am Your God julkaisi uuden albumin ja lyriikkavideon ’Nothing To Leave Behind’ -kappaleesta

Kuva: I Am Your God

Tiedote 25.10.2020

I Am Your God julkaisi debyyttilevynsä ”The Resurrection” ja sen kunniaksi katsottavissa on uusi lyriikkavideo ”Nothing To Leave Behind”.

Julius Vetämäjärvi kommentoi:

A few different realities and some creepy voodoo-shit combined to fast & fierce flow – what else would you need for a music video? At the same second, we decided to release this song as a single we got the idea of huge parties because the song is a pure fucking party anthem. A bit later our marvelous director Julius Erkkonen checked out the lyrics and wrote the plot based on them, with a lot of tasty extra events. For example, I’ve never been physically buried alive before shooting this video. Click the play button and tune your stance, you definitely need to see this one!

1. Nothing to Leave Behind
2. Believe Again
3. The Loop
4. Flowers on Your Grave
5. Silent Killer
6. In Those Times
7. Fall With Me
8. Betrayal
9. Gravedigger
10. As the Light Goes Down

Facebook: facebook.com/iamyourgodband
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJx-P3nsLIPxrCCqu9JxizA
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5jmZYC9vzvvJnN0QHExUsn?si=SEpHq_tgReu94lAdejHt_w

Lähde: Out Of Line Music
Kuva: I Am Your God

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