Hatebreed julkaisi uuden singlen ja lyriikkavideon tulevalta ”Weight Of The False Self” -albumilta


Hardcore -veteraani Hatebreed julkaisee uuden levyn ”Weight Of The False Self” 27.11.2020 Nuclear Blastin kautta. Ensimmäinen single ja lyriikkavideo nimikappaleesta on katsottavissa alta. Albumin oli tarkoitus ilmestyä toukokuussa, mutta koronaviruspandemia lykkäsi julkaisun loppuvuoteen. Yhtye palkitsi odottaneet fanit julkaisemalla eksklusiivisen singlen ”When The Blade Drops” helmikuussa 2020.

Tuleva pitkäsoitto seuraa vuoden 2016 ”The Concrete Confessional” – levyä. Kansitaiteesta vastasi legendaarinen Eliran Kantor.

Vokalisti Jamey Jasta kommentoi:

When writing lyrics and riffs, I try to be in the moment, getting a mental picture of my current reality in order to convey what I want to say. Sometimes, I think my reality consists of two irreducible elements, expressed by the age-old interior battle of the dualistic self. The angel on one shoulder stands firm, providing reason, wisdom, and compassion while the devil dances angrily on the other, ranting with passion, spite, and dark desire. I often wonder if a truly centered mind is attainable, an effortless and non-dualistic state of equilibrium. Until then, I’ll just listen to both sides of my personality and hope I make the right choice. At the end of the day, the listener will choose to hear what they want, but when I am writing, I imagine the voice of the angel to be a lil’ louder.

Kitaristi Frank Novinec jatkaa:

”Weight of The False Self” is a perfect representation of Hatebreed in 2020, a fresh onslaught of soon-to-be classics with all the elements that led you here since day one.

Rmupali Matt Byrne päättää:

There’s no shortage of beefy riffs and adrenaline-fueled drums on this record. I’m proud to say that we will consistently provide a soundtrack to which you can mosh in your living room and destroy your apartment.

Kansitaide ja kappalelista:

1. Instinctive (Slaughterlust)
2. Let Them All Rot
3. Set It Right (Start With Yourself)
4. Weight Of The False Self
5. Cling To Life
6. A Stroke Of Red
7. Dig Your Way Out
8. This I Earned
9. Wings Of The Vulture
10. The Herd Will Scatter
11. From Gold To Gray
12. Invoking Dominance

Lähde: Nuclear Blast
Kuva: Hatebreed

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