Hardcorea soittava Teeth on tehnyt levytyssopimuksen New Damage Recordsin kanssa ja julkaisi kappaleen ”Writhe”. Muun muassa Every Time I Dien ja Dead And Divinen jäsenistöistä kasattu trio lahjoittaa sinkun tuottoja hyväntekeväisyysjärjestöille Act Bluelle ja Canadian Womens Foundationille.
’Writhe’ hits extremely close to home for me,” kertoo yhtyeen kitaristi LeMasters. ”I wrote it after finding out that a woman very near and dear to my heart had been both physically and mentally abused over the course of 15+ years. I never knew — she never felt safe enough to tell anyone. But that’s just MY experience. ’Writhe’ touches on those moments of helplessness and anger when you or someone you know and love has been oppressed, harmed, or abused by someone in a position of power. It dives into those dark moments when you fetishize doing awful things to that person. ’Writhe’ is directed towards the oppressors, the cowards, the abusers, and the people who violate your trust, and take advantage of it — whether it’s crooked police, a family member, or a spouse.”
”I know this applies to so many people’s lives right now, too. Whether it’s the repeated, systemic abuse (and murder) of innocent black/POC citizens by corrupt law enforcement, or COVID-19 causing so many of us to be stuck at home unable to work, attend school, etc., resulting in more and more instances of domestic abuse as victims no longer have a daily escape. We wanted/NEEDED to write a song that gives those people a voice. It’s angry, spiteful, and violent because we refuse to ignore those primal human emotions — good or bad. They’re REAL, and I hope this song acts as an outlet of sorts to those victims.”
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Lähde: Hold Tight! PR
Kuva: Teeth
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.