Coloradosta tuleva melodista black metallia soittava Ob Nixilis vastaili Metalliluolan kysymyspatteristoon. Tutustu yhtyeeseen alla.
Bändin nimi: | Ob Nixilis |
Yhtyeen genre: | Melodic Blackened Death Metal |
Ketä yhtyeeseen kuuluu: | Jeremy Cuchiara- Drums and lead Vocals Manny Moreno- Guitar and backing vocals Matt Maio- Guitar Joe Niski- Bass guitar |
Mistä yhtyeenne on kotoisin: | Colorado Springs, Colorado United States of America |
Yhtyeenne esikuvat: | Jeremy- Babushka & Kardashev Manny- Windir & Emperor Matt- Morbid Angel and Immolation Joe- MGLA and Tsjuder |
Kertokaa yhtyeenne taustatarina: | Ob Nixilis was birthed out of the suffering of COVID in the bleak winter of 2020. The band started with Jeremy and Manny originally writing the material for the bands first EP, Grimoire of the Dead, and shortly after were joined by bassist, Joe Niski. After Joe joined the band, the band tracked and released Grimoire of the Dead in 2021. Shortly after the EP release, Matt joined the band as the second guitarist and learned all of the material that the band had to that point as well as assisting in the writing of the full length album. While the band finalized the music to what we know now as Abhorred, the band was still busy playing local shows throughout the Colorado area. In the summer of 2022, the band recorded Abhorred in Denver, CO and the album will be released on January 27, 2023 via Reaping Scythe Records. |
Minkälaiset tavoitteet yhtyeellänne on: | Our main goal as we approach the release of Abhorred is to line up more shows on a larger spectrum throughout the the US as well as line up a large scale tour throughout the US and Europe. |
Minkälainen työnjako musiikin tekemisessä on: | Most of our songs all start off with an idea being brought to the table by one of the members. From there, Manny and Matt usually take the foundational riff and they begin to expand on the original idea in order to form a more solid foundation of a song that they thin bring to the rest of the band and we all work on the song cohesively. Manny brings an elegant style of writing that adds more melodic passages to a song. Where Matt brings a more darker style of writing to the song writing process. Jeremy then adds groovy, intricate and driving drums to the song to give the song more structure and emotion. Joe usually adds bass parts throughout the entire writing process of a song. Following a lot of the same chord progression that the guitars use, he also likes to diversify his style of playing by adding more technical, walking bass patterns that add groove and texture to the song. Upon completion of writing the musical elements of a song, Jeremy then listens to song repetitively and forms his lyrical blueprint and then begins to form his lyrical concepts and write lyrics to the song. |
Millainen kokemus bändinne on livenä ja miksi yhtyeenne keikoille kannattaa tulla: | As a band, we offer a whole new experience when it comes to a live performance. Our drummer is our lead vocalist so a lot of new comers to our shows, have no idea who is performing the vocals. We like to refer to Jeremy as our front rear man! He provides the foundational rhythmic qualities to our songs as well as performing the crowd catching vocals that grab peoples attention and sucks them in. Our performances are high energy from start to finish and we pride ourselves in performing our material live as good as it all as in the recordings. |
Uusimman levynne nimi: | Abhorred
Avatkaa uuden levynne/julkaisunne taustoja. Mikä on toiminut sen inspiraationa ja miten tuotos on syntynyt: | All of us in the band are inspired by art that we come by while we are living our lives. Whether it’s music of carrying genres, books, movies and art, we are all constantly being inspired by the things we see, read and listen to every day. Manny is constantly inspired to write new material that creates epic soundscapes that encapsulates and engages the listener. Matt is always striving to add a bit of “darkened flair” to the music and is being inspired to do so from music that he listens to as well as creates with his side projects. From a lyrical standpoint. Jeremy is bombarded by inspiration from gore, social unrest, horror and existentialism. |
Minkä bändin kanssa lähtisitte kaikkein mieluiten kiertämään maailmaa: | Old Man’s Child |
Jos uudelta levyltä/vanhasta tuotannosta pitäisi suositella kahta biisiä, niin mitkä ne olisivat ja miksi: | Goregoyle from our EP ‘Grimoire of the Dead’ because it is very catchy, always gets a great crowd response when we play it live and it is high intensity and high energy from start to finish. Deathrite Shaman from our LP ‘Abhorred’ because it showcases our abilities as a band to add clean, bright and shiny clean parts to a song that has high levels of hard hitting brutality, fast riffs and eerie vocals. The song showcases every band members talent individually very well. |
Mikä musiikki kolahtaa yhtyeellenne juuri nyt: | We weren’t too sure what this question was asking, but we are already working on new material and already have 3 songs written for our next album. |
Muita asioita, joita haluatte kertoa yhtyeestänne: | We are all super excited to release our first full length album, Abhorred! We are very excited to start promoting it with our live sets and we can’t wait for everyone to listen to it! |
Minkälaiset terveiset haluatte lähettää lukijoille: | We just want to send a big thank you to all our current and new fans throughout the world who have supported us thus far and continue to support us along this journey. Be sure to check out Abhorred on January 27, 2023 and order a copy from our Bandcamp page! We look forward to seeing you all out there on the road soon! Cheers |
Linkki yhtyeen kotisivulle: | https://obnixilisofficialco. |
Linkki yhtyeen musiikkivideoon: | |
Linkit yhtyeen Spotify, Bandcamp tms. kanavalle: | https://obnixilis.bandcamp. |
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.