Eteläisestä Saksasta tulee melodista death metallia soittava Bosparans Fall, joka vastaili Metalliluolan kysymyspatteristoon. Tutustu yhtyeeseen alla.

Bändin nimi: Bosparans Fall
Yhtyeen genre: RPG influenced Melodic Death Metal
Ketä yhtyeeseen kuuluu: Jonas, Patrick, Berndte, Peter
Mistä yhtyeenne on kotoisin: South of Germany, close to Lake Constance
Yhtyeenne esikuvat: Insomnium, Be’lakor, Amon Amarth
Kertokaa yhtyeenne taustatarina: Jonas and I (Patrick) were sitting together during corona lockdown and had several beer storms. We came up with the idea of having an RPG influenced band within the environment of The Dark Eye (the biggest German Pen and Paper Game). We played these kind of games, DnD etc. for decades together and therefore the idea of a concept band was born
Minkälaiset tavoitteet yhtyeellänne on: We are currently releasing our first full length record “Götterspiel: Dunkle Zeiten”. There will be a quantity of 600 pcs. If we are able to sell all of them within the next year, that would be a great success.
Minkälainen työnjako musiikin tekemisessä on: That’s pretty straight forward. Jonas writes all lyrics and does vocals, I write all instrumentals and played the instruments on the latest record. Together we share the passion for the concept and pretty much share all other stuff 50/50. For example plot/background story generation
Millainen kokemus bändinne on livenä ja miksi yhtyeenne keikoille kannattaa tulla: We offer a high energetic show with a medieval setting based around adventures and RPG Games. So you will see knights, sorcerer, warriors, fighters, loot boxes, health potions, swords shields and magic wands
Uusimman levynne nimi: “Götterspiel: Dunkle Zeiten”
Avatkaa uuden levynne/julkaisunne taustoja. Mikä on toiminut sen inspiraationa ja miten tuotos on syntynyt: We generated a story which started roughly 1000 years ago. Relatives of our Hero Alrik had to fight a demon summoning near Bosparan. They were successful mainly because of a specific relict. Xardas is searching this relict. The first part of the story and therefore the first album is all around Alrik, Xardas and this background story.
Minkä bändin kanssa lähtisitte kaikkein mieluiten kiertämään maailmaa: Amon Amarth
Jos uudelta levyltä/vanhasta tuotannosta pitäisi suositella kahta biisiä, niin mitkä ne olisivat ja miksi: Alrik Immerda, Schwarzmagier Xardas – the Hero and the Anti-Hero!
Mikä musiikki kolahtaa yhtyeellenne juuri nyt: Currently Hinayana, Harakiri for the Sky, Shylmagoghnar
Muita asioita, joita haluatte kertoa yhtyeestänne: If you are into RPG Games doesn’t matter PC, Pen and Paper or table top, then you should like what we are doing. Additionally: We are pretty proud about our lyrics, which are – as it is a german game – in german: But from our prospective it is completely worth to translate. They are absolutely epic. Maybe there will some translated versions as well
Minkälaiset terveiset haluatte lähettää lukijoille: We just wanna wish a very nice day to all of you guys! Would be great if you give us a listen, best regards and thank you or the nice interview, Patrick
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Linkit yhtyeen Spotify, Bandcamp tms. kanavalle:


Kuva: Bosparans Fall

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.