H.E.A.T. myrskyn silmässä uudella musiikkivideolla


Ruotsin hard rock-mestari H.E.A.T. on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon “Eye Of The Storm” perjantaina 22.9.2017 ilmestyvältä “Into The Great Unknown” -albumilta.

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In a hurricane, there is a treacherous place, after the initial big wind… as the centre of the storm passes over where it is seemingly calm and still and safe. This is always temporary and what happens next is the strongest and most dangerous part of the storm. That is often the same scenario in relationships. That calm in the eye of the storm tricks people into taking their breaths and letting down the guard. Then the winds of emotion hit again and even harder.

1. Bastard Of Society
2. Redefined
3. Shit City
4. Time On Our Side
5. Best Of The Broken
6. Eye Of The Storm
7. Blind Leads The Blind
8. We Rule
9. Do You Want it
10. Into The Great Unknown

Kuva: Klara Fowler
Lähde: ear Music

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