Ghost: Tulevan ”Prequelle” –levyn teemat nousivat Lemmyn ja Ronnien James Dion kuolemasta.


Ghost-keulamies Tobias Forge on kertonut uudessa Metal Hammerin haastattelussa tulevan kesäkuussa julkaistavan ”Prequelle” –levyn teemoista ja inspiraatiosta. Forgen mukaan albumi on rakennettu kuoleman ja väistämättömän lopun ympärille. Viime vuosina tapahtuneet Ronnie James Dion, Lemmy Kilmisterin, David Bowien sekä Princen kuolemat vaikuttivat suurelta osin uuden levyn henkeen.

Ghost julkaisee ”Prequellen” 1.6.2018. Ennakkotilausta voi jättää linkistä.

Levy esittelee samalla yhtyeen uuden johtohahmon Cardinal Copian. Yhtye nähdään uunituoreen albuminsa myötä South Park –festivaalilla Tampereella 8.6.2018.

Forgen kommentit ”Prequellesta” alla:

There were a few things that I wanted to get in Prequelle that I don’t think had been fleshed out yet, and had very little to do with what came before. This is a record themed with death and the impending end – even if it might just be our own – and in recent years we have seen the passing of many of our elder idols. Ronnie James Dio was one, but I think that, especially when Lemmy passed away, and Bowie and Prince so close to that, it affected me a lot. It feels like our parents are passing. I think we took people like Lemmy for granted – he was going to sit at our table forever, but now, there is a chair that is loudly empty. It’s definitely affected me way more than I thought it would. It’s made me want to be a little bit more attentive when it comes to trying to make sure that you’re making the best of the opportunities that you have with your seniors. That is something that has affected me and this record a lot.

Lue lisää linkistä.

4.See The Light
6.Dance Macabre
7.Pro Memoria
8.Witch Image
10.Life Eternal
11.It’s A Sin

Lähde: Metal Hammer
Kuva: ©Mikael Eriksson

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