Ghost Toast julkaisi neljännen studioalbuminsa

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Tiedote 3.3.2020

Unkarilainen instrumentaalisen progressiivisen rockin suunnannäyttäjä Ghost Toast julkaisi neljännen studioalbuminsa ”Shape Without Form” Inverse Recordsin kautta 03.03.2020.

Albumin nimi tulee T. S. Eliotin runosta nimeltään ”The Hollow Men”. Levyn konseptina on ihmisyys ja epäihmisyys sekä mitä vaaditaan siihen ettei meistä kaikista tule onttoja sisältä, sillä siihen suuntaan ihmiskunta on vahvasti matkalla.

Bändi kertoo kappaleista:

Frankenstein’s: is mainly inspired by movie scores. The seemingly different, theatrical piano intro and the heavier, odd-time signature part are sewn together at the end.


Eclipse: is the most complex song on the album. Everything is on the move, until they all stop forever.

Y13 (Yankee 1-3): The voice samples are from the movie called Space Men (1960), directed by Antony Daisies (Antonio Margherit). The song which encapsules the ”other” side of this band that critics so love to write about, inspired by movie composers like Hans Zimmer and John Williams, the symphonics make friends with the atmospheric and heavily riffed parts.


Hunt of Life: is a weird, sort-of-psy-dub cover of an Icelandic folk song called Krummavísur /lyrics written by Jón Thoroddsen/, the vocal samples are from a youtuber’s (Kelly Jenny) acapella cover.

Follow: Follow someone or something you trust, to get through the everyday chaos. Connected to the name of one of our member’s home village, it talks to you about living through trying times and moving on oh-so-many times to something completely new.

Before Anything Happens: Just stop for a minute, try to comprehend the hidden themes and melodies.

W. A. N. T. (We are not them.): The samples are from the movies Nineteen Eighty-Four directed by Michael Radford /1984/ (based on the novel 1984 by George Orwell, 1948) and Apocalypse Now directed by Francis Ford Coppola /1979/. and from Apocalypse Now ’s Marlon Brando character, Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, performing parts of the poem The Hollow Men by T. S. Eliot. A real Ghost Toast song in all of its entirety, if there ever was one.

Kuuntele koko albumi
Apple Music:

Lähde: Inverse Records
Kuva:Tamás Varga

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.