Funerary Bellin tuleva albumi ”Undead Revelations” kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan

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Tiedote 20.2.2018

Jyväskylästä saapuvan heavy ja black metallia soittavan Funerary Bellin toinen täyspitkä ”Undead Revelations” on kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan alta. Levy ilmestyy Saturnal Recordsin kautta 23.2.2018.

Levy-yhtiö kuvaa tiedotteessa bändiä ja musiikkia seuraavasti:

It has been couple of years since the release of acclaimed ”Graveyard Séance” EP and the Finnish black heavy metal cult Funerary Bell returns with their anticipated second full-length album aptly titled for ”Undead Revelations” to redeem the dark promise given with predecessor!

The band has always drawn their inspirations from old school metal ever since their debut EP ”The Second Manifestation” that saw the day of light in 2009, yet now with ”Undead Revelations” the band has embraced a whole new level of old school atmosphere with very strong touch of classic heavy metal sound that has been assimilated together with their distinct blend of black and death metal sound they are known for. Lyrically and thematically their ethos draws from horror, mysticism and occult which all together comprises brazen and relentless black heavy metal!

1. Birth – Come Undone
2. Goat of Mendes
3. The Word Became Flesh
4. Hermetica
5. Mantra
6. Revelation pt II
7. Anima Eterna
8. Tree on the Planet Grave
9. Spectral Moonchild

Invoker of the Shadows: Vocals
Caller of Sepulchral Doom: Guitar
Not of This World: Lead Guitar
Neverending Storm of Mars: Drums
Henchman of the Untamed Forces: Bass

Kuva: Maija Lahtinen Photography
Lähde: Saturnal Records

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.