Five Finger Death Punch kiinnitti uuden kitaristin

Kuva: Stephen Jensen / F3 Studios

Yhdysvaltalainen Five Finger Death Punch on kiinnittänyt uuden kitaristin helmikuussa 2020 lähdön tehneen Jason Hookin tilalle. Mies kommentoi lähtöään: “I have had the pleasure of meeting so many of you in person. Thank you for the endless stories of how our music has touched your heart in some way! But the best part of being on tour the last 12 years, by far, has been playing my guitar and seeing the joy on your faces every night. I will miss that more than anything. As far the reason I’m leaving…well, there really isn’t just one. I’ve been in bands my entire life and I feel like I’ve done all the good that I can here. It’s time to pass the baton and move on to new challenges.”

Uusi kitaristi Andy James on nyt virallisesti yhtyeen riveissä. Bändin toinen kitaristi Zoltan Bathory kommentoi: “Jason is an incredible guitar player so we had to find someone on the absolute top of their game. Someone like Andy James who was already a well-known virtuoso and had the chops to step into Jason’s shoes. Andy completed our European Tour with us back in February so he was already tried by fire. We instantly clicked both musically and personally so he was the obvious choice. We even have the same birthday… Some things are just meant to be.”

Yhtyeen uusin musiikkivideo on ”Living the Dream”:

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Lähde: Gingervine Management
Kuva: Stephen Jensen / F3 Studios

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.