Faustian Pactin uusi levy ”Outojen Tornien Varjoissa” kuunneltavissa


Tiedote 12.2.2020

Mikkelistä saapuva black metal –yhtye Faustian Pact on julkaissut debyyttialbuminsa ”Outojen Tornien Varjoissa”, joka kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan alta.

Levystä kerrotaan seuraavaa:

Since 2007, Faustian Pact been one of Finnish black metal’s best-kept secrets: ”those who know, know.” Their first three demos, one following the other between 2008-2010, poignantly presented a magickal, folkloric aspect long missing from serious black metal. They were a band out of time, seemingly – ”born too late,” not fit for these increasingly modern times. Now, nearly a decade after Faustian Pact’s last demo, this trio of sorcerors bring the past into the present with their LONG-awaited debut album.


Titled “Outojen Tornien Varjoissa”, Faustian Pact’s full-length debut is the grand culmination of all the gloriously bewitching work they brewed across that trio of demos. Exploding with an effervescence that’s addicting and undeniable, their swords-aloft attack surges and swells, crests and cascades. At the forefront are stained-glass synths whisked from a time – and a fantastical landscape – far, FAR away, sumptuously underlining their heroic/romantic style of black metal deeply steeped in a nostalgic past. Across the album’s 41 minute (fantastical) landscape are spread lyrics of splendorous mythology, swords & sorcery, vast forgotten realms brought to life through wily, wanderlusting black metal betraying a noble melodicism. Faustian Pact are thus a unique balance of contrasts: orkish energy vs. mystical atmosphere, dungeon rawness vs. castle-top aristocracy, obsidian darkness vs. gleaming light. So, whether 25 years ago or 2500, removed by a reality or two, “Outojen Tornien Varjoissa” is timeless BLACK METAL MAGICK – dark medieval times have at last arrived!

1. Saastainen Valo Lintutornissa
2. Myytti Am’Khollenin Kuninkaasta
3. Kuulas Musta Aika
4. Loitsupuut
5. Rauniopuhetta
6. Keihäsrinta
7. Valottomien Askelten Takana
8. Askeesi
9. Yön Viittojen Saleissa
10. Viimeisen Tyrannin Silmä

Octus – Gnarling sorcery-poetic recitations of the gormenghastian towerspeech
Morthum – Fluttering stringmastery of the cape-willed shapes
Kathral – Aristocratic pounding of the nontraditional towers and bizarre shadows


Kuva: Faustian Pact

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.