Enslaved julkaisi “Homebound”-livevideon “Cinematic Tour 2020” -DVD:ltä


Enslaved on julkaissut “Homebound”-livevideon “Cinematic Tour 2020” -DVD:ltä. Kappale on taltioitu Sotrassa, Norjassa kesällä 2020. Yhtye juhlistaa julkaisulla 30 vuotta kestänyttä uraansa.

Iver Sandøy kommentoi: ”Ah, the live album… Some of my all time favourite albums have been concert recordings. On top of that list I’ll put Made In Japan by Deep Purple and Live After Death by Iron Maiden. As a youngster, I spent more time listening to these cassettes on my little walkman than any other album since. Both those stellar collections of career defining performances by each of those bands were, incidentally, captured for posterity by the brilliant Martin Birch. He sadly left us in August 2020, right as Enslaved were working on these virtual performances that we are now, finally, releasing properly in all the classic formats.

The classic live albums of the 70s and 80s stand as monuments to not only amazing performances by the artists, but also a celebration of the bond between them and their audiences. The parallel universe that was 2020 forced Enslaved to find other ways to honour that bond. We could not hear you scream for us from your living rooms as we performed, but these recordings stand as a testament, and indeed, a monument, to the eternal gratitude we feel towards you, our fans.”

Levyn tilaukset: http://www.bynorsestore.com


Lähde: Nuclear Blast

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